Jasmin Business Center strongly supports the strength, effectiveness and above all the professionalism of its network of partners: lawyers, accountants, financiers, bankers, coaches and trainers, form our network and ensure effective and efficient assistance to all our customers. With the participation of our partners, we provide our clients with quality, professional work and considerable discounts.
Our community formed by all our guests is at your disposal, whether they are developers, designers, bloggers, web designers, marketing consultants or self-entrepreneurs. This potentially precarious community needs a strong network of solidarity and sharing in order to maintain and share tools dedicated to this form of work. As an area of work, a central role is played by fostering the structuring of a network of co-workers facilitating exchanges, cooperation and creativity. In an era that encourages entrepreneurship and start-ups to solve the problem of unemployment in Tunisia, Jasmin Business Center partners with organizations and companies to help start-uppers to launch their projects in ease.
Jasmin Business Center partners with organizations, institutions of the state, micro-finance, and any other organization wishing to join us in this movement. Whether you are a professional, an organization or a start-upper, join our exceptional experience and give a special taste to our work!